segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014

Bad behavior is from everywhere?

Hi, guys! I got tired of reading in online internacional forums how hassler and claimers brazilian competitors are.

Americans and Australians surfers don´t waste one single opportunity to yell about how aggressive surfers like Adriano de Sousa, Gabriel Medina and Filipe Toledo surf in ASP heats (just to name the most quoted).

Well, is that really true?? Not in my opinion! Brazilians are very competitive surfers, but they are good sportsmen. But international media IS really biased about them.

Let´s show some great examples of how surfers worldwide can be very bad boys in their heats?

Ozzie Stuart Kennedy trying to suffocate little Kainoa Igarashi in a heat in Australia in 2014!! No comments about that in international media. But if the choker was a brazilian surfer??  What an international drama, woudn´t be???

And about hassling?? Well, Dingo Morrison (AUS again) is well known for his competitive acting:

Here, Dingo pulling a Hobgood leash in Pipeline!

Hassling?? Don´t you know the Goldie crowds, mate??

Surf love in Duranbah

CJ is another one who´s not affraid of been aggressive and yell loud in heats

Aggression in the midle of a heat, Australia

Joel Parko in Portugal

As long as the media AND online surfers keep the focus in how "aggressive" brazilian competitors are, surfing world will get the same old image!! Absolutely unfair with the new great generation of brazilian surfers around ASP.

Why not to show things  in surfing how they really are? The whlole frame?? Let´s stop bias and prejudice and make our sport more democratic and free for everybody!